From College to Career: The Pros and Cons of Working for a Startup or a Big Tech Giant

Siddhant Khare
4 min readFeb 11, 2023

As a newly minted college graduate, the job market can be both exciting and overwhelming. With numerous opportunities available, from startups to big tech giants, deciding on the right path can be challenging. This blog post will explore the pros and cons of joining a startup vs a big tech giant as a fresh college graduate.

Joining a Startup


  • Faster career growth: Startups are often smaller organizations with fewer employees. This means that fresh college graduates have the opportunity to take on more responsibilities and grow faster than they would in a big tech giant.
  • Hands-On Experience: Working for a startup often requires employees to wear many hats and handle multiple tasks. This hands-on experience can be invaluable in helping fresh college graduates develop new skills and gain a better understanding of different aspects of the business.
  • Collaborative Environment: Startups typically have a more collaborative environment, where employees are encouraged to work together and contribute ideas. This can be a great way for fresh college graduates to learn from more experienced colleagues and grow both professionally and personally.
  • Potential for equity: Some startups offer equity to employees as part of their compensation packages, which can provide a financial reward if the company is successful.
  • Flexibility: Startups are often more flexible in terms of work hours and office culture, which can be beneficial for employees who value work-life balance.


  • Uncertainty: Startups are often operating in a fast-paced and rapidly changing environment, which can be both exciting and challenging. However, this can also mean that there is a high level of uncertainty about the future of the company and the job security of its employees.
  • Limited Resources: Startups often have limited resources, both in terms of funding and manpower. This can make it difficult for employees to get the support they need to succeed and can lead to long hours and increased stress.
  • Limited Benefits: Startups may not offer the same level of benefits as big tech giants, such as health insurance, retirement plans.

Joining a Big Tech Giant


  • Stability: Working for a big tech giant provides a high level of job stability and security. These well-established companies have a proven track record of success, making them a safe and secure choice for fresh college graduates.
  • Resources: Big tech giants have extensive resources, both in terms of funding and manpower. This means that employees have access to the tools and support they need to succeed, which can be particularly valuable for fresh college graduates.
  • Benefits: Big tech giants often offer comprehensive benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans. This can provide fresh college graduates with a good foundation for their future financial security.
  • Opportunities for growth: Big tech giants often have well-established career paths and training programs, which can provide employees with opportunities for professional growth and advancement. But it’s not constant & depends on other circumstances.


  • Slow Career Progress: With so many employees, it can be difficult for fresh college graduates to stand out and make significant progress in their careers. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being stuck in a dead-end job.
  • Lack of Autonomy: Working for a big tech giant often involves following established procedures and protocols. This can be limiting for fresh college graduates looking for the opportunity to take on more responsibility and contribute new ideas.
  • Bureaucracy: Big tech giants can be bureaucratic organizations, with many layers of management and complex processes. This can make it difficult for employees to get things done quickly and efficiently, which can be frustrating.
  • Risk of getting lost in the shuffle: Big tech giants are often large organizations with many employees, which can mean that individual contributions may get lost in the shuffle.
  • Pressure to conform: Big tech giants often have strong corporate cultures and may pressure employees to conform to certain norms and expectations.

💭 My Personal Take

Like many of my peers in college, I used to dream of working for a FAANG company. I had the chance to interview for several in 2021 and even had the opportunity to work at both a FAANG company (GitHub) in early 2022 and a startup (Gitpod). However, during my internship at GitHub, I realized that this was not what I wanted for my career. It’s not that GitHub is a bad company, but rather it’s just that I used to think that FAANG and big tech giants were the be-all and end-all. I’ve come to realize that people should have different goals and aspirations when it comes to their careers. That’s why I decided to join Gitpod as an intern and later as a full-time employee.

In conclusion, both joining a startup and working for a big tech giant have their pros and cons. When choosing between these two options, fresh college graduates should consider their long-term goals and what is most important to them, whether it be stability, growth opportunities, or benefits. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on each individual’s unique circumstances and aspirations.

