Hackerrank SWE Intern 2021
This was my First Interview Experience
I got a mail inviting me directly to the interview with the CTO, through my GitHub Profile and my past Open Source Contributions. I sent my Resume to her. After a week I got a reply,
Got a Calendly event for setting up the 20 mins. interview with CTO. The interview went amazing, he asked about my past open-source contributions, what part I have contributed and how you implemented those things. [ACE]
Now, I received a call and mail regarding the positive result, Now there was a link for the Final Interview with Sr. Software Architect.
This Interview Lasted for Half an Hour, where he asked Deep Questions about React ( implementation part ), then he asked about the features they are trying to implement in Hackerrank, what can be the best practice/approach to apply a particular feature. for me, a tough question was — “How can we avoid the use of containers, when we are developing something similar to GitPod?”, I am unable to answer this question well, and maybe this is the rejection of my SWE Internship. [Rejected]
The next day, I received my Rejection Mail.
My GitHub Profile (through which i got the invite): https://github.com/Siddhant-K-code
More About Me:
Siddhant Khare
Sophomore B.Tech. CSE
Global Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.), India
If you have any more Questions, regarding this. You can Ask in comments!
Update 1:
GitHub Portfolio
Regarding GitHub Portfolio, You can start contributing to the OSS Projects by Individuals, Orgs. which comes under your Tech Stack. For the start, you can start by going through their Repos. look for their open issues, Almost all the good and popular repo. have some open issues with the Label “good first issue”, which means it made for beginners to resolve that and implementing that part Is comparatively easy. Also, If you are not familiar with git & GitHub, you can start by learning them through any of the resources which are available on the Internet.
Invite, I Got:
Same Article On LeetCode: https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-experience/1207463/Hackerrank-SWE-Intern-2021